Opal Bina İnşaat A.Ş.


We enter your life with unique projects

Our company started its activities in Fethiye in 2004. Currently, it continues to work in various districts of İzmir's Çeşme peninsula.

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How is Earthquake Resistance Test Performed?

12 September 2022

How is Earthquake Resistance Test Performed?

Earthquake endurance test is an important issue for our country, which has many painful experiences with earthquakes. Many questions such as how to act during an earthquake or what to do have been sought for answers for years in order to ensure life safety.

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World Green Building Week

7 September 2022

World Green Building Week

World Green Building Week will be celebrated this year on 12-16 September 2022 with the theme of 'Building for All'. Recent global crises have taught us the importance of community and the consequences of human impact on the world we live in.

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